American Artists

The following California artists were active from the 1870's through the 1980's. A truly unique time in American Art History.


Abdy, Rowena Meeks

Adam, William

Adams, Charles Partridge

Adams, Kenneth

Alvarez, Mabel

Albro, Maxine

Albert, Karl

Albright, Gertrude Partington

Applegate, Frank

Askenazy, Mischa

Audubon, John James

Awa, Tsireh 


Backus, Standish Jr.

Bakos, Jozef

Baldridge, Cyrus

Balink, Henry

Baranceanu, Belle

Bartlett, Data

Barton, Loren

Baumann, Gustave

Baumgartner, John J.

Beard, William

Beaumont, Arthur

Beeler, Joe

Begay, Harrison

Benton, Thomas Hart

Berninghaus, Oscar

Beirstadt, Albert

Bingham, George

Bischoff, Franz

Bisttram, Emil

Black, Laverne Nelson

Blair, Lee

Blair, Mary

Blakelock, Ralph

Blumenschein, Ernest

Bodmer, Karl

Bongart, Sergei

Bonheur, Rosa

Borein, Edward

Borg, Carl Oscar

Borglum, Solon

Boss, Homer

Botke, Jessie Arms

Botke, Cornelis

Brandriff, George

Brandt, Rex

Braun, Maurice

Bremer, Anne

Brett, Dorothy

Breuer, Henry Joseph

Brigante, Nicholas

Brown, Benjamin

Bruton, Margaret

Buck, Claude

Buff, Conrad

Burlin, Harry 


Cadenasso, Guiseppe

Cahill, William Vincent

Carlsen, Emil

Carmichael, Jae

Carter, Pruett

Cassidy, Gerald

Catlin, George

Chamberlin, Frank Tolles

Chittenden, Alice

Clapp, William H.

Clark, Alson

Clymer, John

Colburn, Elanor

Cole, Thomas

Colman, Roi Clarkson

Coats, Claude

Cook, Howard

Cooper, Colin Campbell

Coulter, William

Couse, E. Irving

Coutts, Alice

Coutts, Gordon

Craig, Charles

Craig, Thomas

Cressey, Herbert "Bert"

Cressey, Meta

Critcher, Catherine

Cross, Watson Jr.

Cuprien, Frank

Curry, John Steuart

Curtis, Leland 


Dallin, Cyrus

Darley, Felix

Dasburg, Andrew

Davey, Randall

Deas, Charles

DeForest, Lockwood

DeLongpre, Paul

DeRome, Albert

Dickinson, Ross

Dike, Phil

Dixon, Maynard

Dougherty, Paul

Duncanson, Robert

Dunlap, Helena

Dunn, Harvey

Dunton, W. H. "Buck"

Dye, Charlie 


Eastman, Seth

Edmondson, Leonard

Engenhoffer, Nick

Ellis, Fremont

Erickson, Clifford


Farney, Henry

Fechin, Nicolai

Fleck, Joseph

Forbes, Helen Katherine

Forsythe, Clyde

Fortune, E. Charlton

Frame, Robert

Fraser, James Earle

Frost, John 


Galgiani, Oscar

Gamble, John

Garbutt, Bernard

Gaspard, Leon

Gaul, William Gilbert

Gavencky, Frank J.

Gay, August

Gibbs, George

Gibson, George

Gifford, Sanford

Gilbert, Arthur Hill

Gile, Selden

Gleason, J. Duncan

Gramatky, Hardie

Grant, Blanche

Gray, Percy

Gretzner, Harold

Groll, Albert

Griffith, William 


Haley, John

Hansen, Armin

Hansen, Herman

Harmer, Alexander

Harris, Sam Hyde

Hassam, Childe

Hennings, Ernest Martin

Henri, Robert

Herzog, Herman

Higgins, Victor

Hill, Thomas

Hills, Anna

Hilton, John

Hinkle, Clarence

Hobart, Clark

Holmes, Ralph

Howard, John Langley

Hudson, Grace Carpenter

Hulett, Ralph

Hunt, Thomas

Hunter, John Young 


Imhof, Joseph

Inman, Henry

Innes, George 


Jacque, Charles

James George

James, Rebecca Salibury

Jensen, Robert

Johnson, Frank Tenney

Jonson, Raymond

Jorgenson, Christian

Judson, William Lees 


Kahlo, Frida

Keith, William

Kelsey, Richmond

Kester, Lenard

King, Charles Bird

Kingman, Dong

Kleiber, Hans

Klein, Earl

Kleitsch, Joseph

Kloss, Gene

Koerner, William

Kosa, Emil Jr.

Kroll, Leon 


Latham, Barbara

Laurence, Sydney

Lauritz, Paul

Leigh, William

Levy, Nat

Lewis, Edmonia

Lewis, Tom E.

Logan, Maurice

Lonergan, Arthur

Loran, Erle

Lungren, Fernand

Lungkwitz, Robert

Lutz, Dan


Macky, Spencer

Mannheim, Jean

Martin, Fletcher

Martinez, Xavier

Mathews, Arthur

Mathews, Lucia

Matulka, Jan

Mcafee, Ila

McCloskey, William

McComas, Francis

McGlynn, Thomas

Mechau, Frank

Messick, Ben

Miller, Alfred Jacob

Miller, Barse

Miller, Richard

Mitchell, Alfred

Mollhausen, Heinrich

Moore, Frank Montegue

Moran, Thomas

Morang, Alfred

Morgan, Mary DeNeale

Mosler, Henry

Mruk, Walter

Musselman, Darwin 


Nash, Willard

Nelson, Bruce

Nepote, Alexander

Neuhaus, Eugen

Nicholson, Lillie May

Nordfeldt, B.J.

Nye, Vernon


Oderdonk, Julian

Oderdonk, Robert

O'Keefe, Georgia

Oldfield, Otis

Oliver, Myron

O'Malley, Joseph M.

O'Shea, John 


Pages, Jules

Paradise, Phil

Park, David

Parrish, Maxfield

Partington, Richard Langtry

Patrick, James

Payne, Edgar

Payzant, Charles

Paxson, Edgar Alwin

Peabody, Ruth

Pelton, Agnes

Peters, Charles Rollo

Phillips, Bert

Piazonni, Gottardo

Plummer, Elmer

Podchernikoff, Alexis M.

Pogzeba, Wolfgang

Polowsky, Julie

Post, George

Potter, Kenneth

Pranishnikopf, Ivan

Price, Clayton Seymour (C.S.)

Proctor, Burt

Puthuff, Hanson

Putnam, Arthur

Pyle, Howard 


Quinn, Noel 


Ranney, William

Raphael, Joseph

Reed, Marjorie

Reep, Edward

Reiffel, Charles

Redmond, Granville

Remington, Frederic

Rich, John Hubbard

Richardson, Mary Curtis

Rider, Arthur Grover

Ritschel, William

Rix, Julian

Rolshoven, Julius

Rose, Guy

Rungius, Carl

Russel, Charles Marion 


Salmon, Robert

Sample, Paul Starrett

Sandona, Matteo

Sandzen, Birger

Sargeant, Geneve Rixford

Sauerwein, Frank

Sayre, F. Grayson

Schrady, Henry

Schreyvogel, Charles

Schuster, Donna

Schwankovsky, Frederick J.

Seltzer, Olaf

Sharp, Joseph Henry

Sheets, Millard

Shore, Henrietta

Shrader, Edwin Roscoe

Shuster, William

Siegriest, Louis

Silva, William

Slinkard, Rex

Sloan, John

Smith, Jack Wilkinson

Smith, Langdon

Sohon, Gustav

Spangenberg, George

Sparks, Will

Stanley, John Mix

Stearns, Junius Brutus

Steinke, Bettina

Stevens, Marjory

Symons, George Gardner


Tait, Arthur

Tavernier, Jules

Teague, Donald

Teasdel, Marty

Thayer, Emma

Thiebaud, Wayne

Thornton, Mildred

Twachtman, John 


Ufer, Walter 


Valencia, Manuel

Vanderlyn, John

Van Sloun, Frank

Van Soelen, Theodore

Van Young, Oscar

Vierra, Carlos

Villa, Hernando

Von Eichman, Bernard

Von Schmidt, Harold

Von Schneidau, Christian

Vysekal, Edouard

Vysekal, Luvena 


Wachtel, Elmer

Wachtel, Marion

Walker, James

Ward, Charles

Ware, Florence

Warner, Nell Walker

Warshawsky, Abel

Watson, Adele

Watts, William C.

Waud, Alfred

Weeks, Edwin Lord

Weir, Robert

Weisman, Joseph

Welch, Thaddeus

Wells, Cady

Wendt, William

White, Edith

White, Orrin

Whittredge, Thomas

Widforss, Gunnar

Wieczorek, Max

Wieghorst, Olaf

Williams, Virgil

Wimar, Charles

Wood, Grant

Wood, Robert E.

Wores, Theodore

Wright, Stanton McDonald

Wyeth, Henriette

Wyeth, N.C. 



Yelland, Raymond

Yens, Karl

Yohn, F.C.

Young, Harvey 


Zorach, William

Zornes, Milford